DSL Excel Report

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DSL Framework for Apache Poi


The present project try to make the Excel development easy through Fluent Api for create Excel documents. The core Api for the DSL [^fluentApi] is based on Apache POI.

Excel Column Annotation

The engine of the DSL for create Excel documents use the @ExcelColumn annotation to create the whole Document. Basically, you have to decorate the attributes on your class with the Annotation and add properties that will map on the cell.

Let's to build a excel document like it show next:

Persona Cantidad Edad Fecha
Cristiano Ronaldo 1344.567 29 27/09/2014
Messi 2344.567 27 27/09/2014
Bale 544.567 25 27/09/2014

The steps for create a document are shown next:


  1. Create a JavaBean Class. and add an @ExcelAnnotation on each property of the class property where we want to map in the excel document.
  2. Configure the The DSL for create the Document.

Create a JavaBean Class

The Pojo created is shown next:

public class Persona {

    @ExcelColumn(name = "Persona")
    private String persona;

    @ExcelColumn(name = "Cantidad")
    private double cantidad;

    @ExcelColumn(name = "Edad")
    private int edad;

    @ExcelColumn(name = "Fecha")
    private Date fecha;

   //Getters and Setters methods

Configure the The DSL for create the Document.

Here I show a snipped of code for create a document Based on the DSL and @ExcelColumn annotation:

import static com.danimaniarqsoft.report.poi.dsl.WorkbookBuilder.createWorkbook;
Workbook wb = createWorkbook(WorkbookEnum.XLSX)
              .createRows(personas, Persona.class)


The @ExcelAnnotation has a lot of properties for control the way that the DSL have to build the Excel Document. The next table describe each property:


Property Description Default
name The name of the column nothing, it is mandatory
dateFormat This property is used for java.util.Date type. The value is a String with the date format defined on Java Date Format "dd/MM/YYYY"
textPosition this property is used for align vertical text both Horizontally and vertically on a Cell TextPosition.ALIGN_CENTER
fontFormat this property is used for font format FontFormat.NORMAL

[^fluentApi]:Fluent Interface, Martin Fowler on December twenty of 2005 write about a certain style of interface which he decided to name fluent interface. We write DSL's based on the concept of Fluent Interface

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